Senin, 06 Mei 2013


By Putri Aries Safitri

English lesson is not something new in Indonesia especially for students at Senior High School. Nowadays in Indonesia, student begin to get the English lesson at kindergarten. But, we all know that Indonesia is a country that use “Bahasa Indonesia” as first language for daily communication. Teacher in Indonesia usually using “Bahasa Indonesia” for explain the material for his or her students in the classroom. From the fact above we know that, English is a foreign language for native people in Indonesia. So, English in here (Indonesia) still continuing to study, not for used in daily communication or in the business at office and in the hospital. One of the key students can speak English in Indonesia of course from a teacher. But, we know that almost teacher in Indonesia use “Bahasa Indonesia” for explain the material. So, students have limited capabilities to understand and speak English well. This problem appear because the teacher especially for they who teach English, they are rarely practice speak and continuing study their English material since they are graduating from university (BNSP, 2006). From explanation above, that’s why the teacher have limited capabilities of English, almost all the students are bored with the usual teaching that using native language for explain the material. English teacher should be using the target language for teach their student and teacher also continuing study and learning the materials in order to improve students speaking skill. The teacher in Indonesia should have the new innovative methods for teaching English especially for student at Senior High School.
The purpose why use direct methods by using a drama “The Bear” from Anton Chekhov is to improve students speaking skill with interesting media in the teaching methods. Today almost of the students bored with unusual teaching that use lecture methods. Teacher should have the new innovative methods in order to improve students speaking skill like use the new methods by using games, media, realia, picture, and etc. With using a drama “The Bear” by Anton Chekhov, expected to improve the students speaking skill with interesting ways. By apply this method with using drama as a media, students are expected to be able understand the culture that is in the drama “The Bear”.
Direct method is a language teaching method that which use the target language in the teaching learning process teacher. Freeman (2000: 23) says that Direct method was revived as a method when the goal of instruction become learning how to use a foreign language to communicate. For example, in Indonesia teacher teach English using English for explain the material for his or her students in the classroom. Not use “Bahasa Indonesia” to explain their materials to his or her students. Using direct method in order to add the new vocabulary students. Teaching learning process by using drama, expected students can add the new vocabulary, idiom, know the culture, and can feel a sense of character in the drama. It indirectly teaches the culture of foreigners in a country with an interesting way. Of course, by using this methods student can feel enjoy at the English lesson in the classroom and students can understand the foreign culture that is in the drama.
“The Bear” is a drama that written by Anton Chekhov (1860-1904). Anton Chekhov is a Russian, physician, dramatist and author who is considered to be among the greatest writers of short stories in history. “The Bear” is one of the greatest masterpiece that created by Anton Chekhov. “The Bear” is a comedy drama who has 2 main characters, Popova and Smirnov. “The Bear” is a drama that will apply in this teaching learning process in class third grade at SMA Negeri 2 Magetan. The students will apply this methods by portray the characters in the drama “The Bear”. This article will share about application the direct methods by using a drama “The Bear” by Anton Chekhov in class third grade at SMA Negeri 2 Magetan. 
A.  What is “Direct Method’?
Direct method is a language teaching method that which use the target language in the teaching learning process. Patel (2008: 77) says that, teacher give the definition of Direct Method, there is an attempt to teach the language as one could in learning mother tongue is known as the Direct Method. It is also called natural method because it is learnt naturally like mother tongue or first language. New International Dictionary notes: Direct Method is a method of teaching a foreign language, especially a modern language through conversation, discussion and reading in the language itself, without the use of the pupil's language, without translation, and without the study of formal grammar. The first words are taught by pointing to objects or pictures or by performing actions. From the explain above we can conclude that, in direct methods teacher using target language for explain their materials to students in the classroom and learn the foreign language by using Direct Methods its same with studying the first language. When we study the mother tongue, we learn naturally or directly without practice, it’s the reason why, the Direct Method called ‘Natural Method’. In this teaching method, Direct Method applied by using performance the drama called “The Bear” by Anton Chekov. After the end of performance from the drama “The Bear” every students give their suggestion or their comment for the drama by orally. Of course it’s can improve their speaking skills and add the new vocabulary for the students.
The goal of Direct Method is improve students speaking skill for communicate and add the new vocabulary. Freeman (2000: 23) says that, Direct method was revived as a method when the goal of instruction become learning how to use a foreign language to communicate. Deborah (2006: 05) says that, the goal of this method is to teach students, usually adults, how to converse in everyday situations in another language. From this idea developed the direct method as an antithesis to the grammar-translation approach. Other aspects of the direct method include classroom instruction exclusively in the target language, only everyday language is taught, and grammar being learned inductively. From the explanation above we can conclude that the goal of Direct Method is to improve students speaking skill. Secondly teaching by using Direct Method its can make add the new vocabulary for students because the Teacher explain the materials by using target language. So by using Direct Method, students will master the English language well and they can improve their speaking skill for communication with others. The last, teaching English with Direct Method by using a drama called “The Bear” by Anton Chekhov can add the new knowledge about foreign cultures, especially culture and idiom in the drama.
Then, the opinion from The Experts about teaching procedures of Direct Method, are as follows. Deborah (2006: 05) says that, from the beginning, students are taught, and must respond, in the target language. Patel (2008: 79) says that, the teacher replaced the textbook in the early stages of learning. Speaking began with proper attention to pronunciation. Famous words could be used to teach new vocabulary, using name, demonstration and pictures. By explanation above its can be conclude that, firstly the teacher give the media to their students, the next, students give their response by orally to the teacher. In this method, direct methods applied by using media a drama “The Bear” by Anton Chekov. So, the teaching procedures of this method that are, first, from the beginning students see the performance of the drama “The Bear” by Anton Chekov. Secondly, students discuss with their friends about this drama. The last, student give their suggestion and their comment from the drama “The Bear” performance by orally to the teacher. From applied this method, students are expected to know and understand the culture that is in the drama, by playing the character from the drama. Using a drama media in order to introduce foreign culture to students also can make students enjoy with teaching learning process in the classroom.
B.  “The Bear” by Anton Chekhov
“The Bear” is a comedy drama that create by Anton Chekhov. It has two main characters. Popova and Smirnov. Popova is a young lady whose husband is dead; but she is still mourning at her husband death. She does not leave the house and meet any one and she is wearing a black dress to prove that she loves her husband even after seven month of her husband death. Although he was so unkind and faithless to her yet she is and will be true to him forever. Her servant, Luka, is reassuring and telling her that she is young and should forget her dead husband right now. He says there are many good people around and she should get married again but she is so attached to her husband’s memories that she does not agree with him. A young man, named Smirnov, comes to Popova to get his debt back that Popova’s husband had borrowed from him because he used to buy oats for his horse, Toby. At this Popova says that since she does not have money at the moment, she cannot pay. Smirnov becomes angry because he has been calling on his debtors; but none of them has paid him and here he is met by Popova in a state of mind. He calls all women insincere, selfish, faithless, and trivial to the marrow of their backbone. Popova also calls him a bear three times. This leads both of them to a fight by using gun, which may decide whether only men need pay for their insults or women must also pay, as they want emancipation. The process of asking for debt and Popova’s stylish attitude makes him fall in love with her. He madly loves her like a student. Popova also begins to like him. This is a summary from the drama called “The Bear” by Anton Chekhov that using as a media for learning process. In the drama “The Bear” by Anton Chekov there are so many culture that can be taught to the students in order to introduce foreign culture of course with fun teaching. For examples, there are some traditions, especially the tradition of mourning, the tradition how to talking to a woman, and also there are some 'idiom' that used the main character in the drama. Some idiom that used the main character in the drama, like as ; “boor”, “weaker sex!”, and “young puppy”. In this drama also there are some foreign culture, for examples when mourning, foreign people should wear “the black dress”. The moral value that can be taken from this drama "The Bear" by Anton Chekhov that are, first, stop mourning, mourning only will waste your life and your happiness, stand up and try to reorganize the plan to make life better. Second, in the behind of the disaster, there is a God's plan that more beautiful than what we imagine. The Last is, don’t be too excessive in mourning, get up immediately and face the life that will come with a new spirit and a new love.
C.  Teaching Procedures
The teaching procedures from this methods by using drama “The Bear” by Anton Chekov as a media will be explain bellow.
1.    Pre Activities
The pre activities of this methods are explain bellow, That are :
a.    Give the students greeting.
b.    Ask one of the students to lead the prayer before the teaching learning process and pray together at first.
c.    Before starting the lesson, tell students what will be learned for today. Tell the rules of the game to students about teaching learning that day and ask to the students to comply with existing regulations.
d.   Start the teaching learning process with your students in the classroom.
2.    Whilst Activities
The steps of direct method by using drama “The Bear” as a media will be explains bellow. The main activities in this methods that are :
a.    All students in the classroom formed a circle, and down the middle was given a width space in order to play the drama.
b.    Point at random the 3 students to play the main character in the drama "The Bear". A girl for plays "Mrs. Popov", two guys for play "Smirnov" and "Luka".
c.    Ask the three main character was to go forward and play the drama.
d.   After the students plays the drama, give the students time to discuss and take them discuss with their friends what the lessons can be taken from the drama and what the culture that is contained in the drama.
e.    Ask for all the students who do not play the drama to give their suggestion, comment, and response one by one.
3.    Post Activities
Once the method is completed, do the following act, that are :
a.    Give conclusion and review to the students about the teaching learning process for that day.
b.    Give your students the suggestion and motivation for improve their speaking skill by give examples real act or events.
c.    And don’t forget to give your students a task to make summary from the drama, what the value that can be takes from the drama, about the foreign culture in the drama and about the teaching learning process that day.
d.   At the end of the meeting ask them, whether they liked the teaching learning process by using this method or not. It’s also be used for the analysis of the success rate from this method.
e.    In the last, give greeting and ask to all the students to say “Hamdallah” together.
D.  The Advantages by Using This Method
Deborah (2006: 05) says that the advantages by using direct method, that is, this is a quick way for students to learn basic conversation skills. Patel (2008: 71) says that the advantages of direct method is the method helps learners to enjoy the language. So the learners start using the language without fear. By using drama as a media, the students can improve their speaking skills and also can learn the foreign culture. This methods help the students understand the foreign culture with fun way, the student can enjoy, they do not bored, and they can happy with the teaching learning process. By using this methods student can add the new vocabulary from the drama “The Bear” and can know the new idiom that use for communication in foreign country. Another advantages that can be taken from this method, is can improve the students speaking skill by add the new vocabulary from the drama “The Bear”.
By using this method, students can feel enjoy and happy when the teaching learning process. Of course, it’s can give good effect for improve students speaking skills. If students feel happily, they are will easily to understand with the materials. In this method, Direct Method applied by using drama “The Bear” by Anton Chekov as a media, it’s also effective to introduce the foreign culture and idiom in the drama. Remember that foreign culture, especially English culture is important thing when we are learn English language. Learning of foreign culture when we study foreign languages is as two sides of ‘coin’ money, that can’t separate. So, learn the foreign culture, is the most important thing when we study foreign language. It is the other advantages by using this method. The Teacher when teaching students by using this method, they can see their students more productive and more active when teaching learning process in the classroom. From the explanation above, its can conclude that, Direct Methods by using the drama “The Bear” by Anton Chekhov is effectively for improve the speaking skill in Senior High School especially at SMA Negeri 2 Magetan.
Thornbury, Scott.______. How to Teach Speaking. New York : Longman.

Westwood, Peter S. 2008. What Teachers Need to Know About Teaching Methods. Camberwell Victoria : ACER Press.

Dr. Patel. M. F & Jain, Preveen M. 2008. English Language Teaching. Jaipur : Sunrise.

Broughton, Brumfit, Flavell, Hill & Pincas. 2003. Teaching English as a Foreign Language. New York : Routledge.

Norland, Deborah L &Terry Pruett-Said. 2006. A Kaleidoscope of Models and Strategies for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language. London : Teacher Ideal Press.

Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar SD/MI. 2006. Jakarta : BNSP.

2 komentar:

  1. infonya bagus, menarik dan keren banget sob. kunjungi balik ke blog saya
