Die Young
By : Kesha
Ane lagi demen banget nich sama lagu satu ini, ceritannya 3 hari yang lalu pas waktu makan siang di Kedai Ice Cream, aku sama temen kuliah aku, denger lagu satu ini nich, dan langsung jatuh hati sama lagu ini. Ini sich bisa dibilang lagu lama, sekitaran setahun yang lalu, yaa... meskipun agag telat N rada gak 'up-to-date' mengenai lagu, tapi gak papa lah yaw, wong juga gak ada yang ngelarang, #xixi, gubraakk. Nah ini nich aku kasii lyrics sama videonya, yang tetap aja aku caplok dari 'YOUTUBE' hehe..... Nah, so tetep enjoy and stay tuned with me yack, hehe #maksa.
Kesha - Die Young (Official) Videos
Die Young
By : Kesha
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
[Beat break]
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Young hearts, out our minds
Runnin like we outta time
Wild childs, lookin' good
Livin hard just like we should
Don't care whose watching when we tearing it up (You Know)
That magic that we got nobody can touch (For sure)
Looking for some trouble tonight
Take my hand, I'll show you the wild, side
Like it's the last night of our lives
We'll keep dancing till we die
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms,
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
[Beat break]
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Young hunks, taking shots
Stripping down to dirty socks
Music up, gettin' hot
Kiss me, give me all you've got
It's pretty obvious that you've got a crush (you know)
That magic in your pants, it's making me blush (for sure)
Looking for some trouble tonight
Take my hand i'll show you the wild side
Like it's the last night of our lives
We'll keep dancing till we die
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms,
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
[Beat break]
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Young hearts, out our minds
Runnin like we outta time
Wild childs, lookin' good
Livin hard just like we should
Don't care whose watching when we tearing it up (You Know)
That magic that we got nobody can touch (For sure)
Looking for some trouble tonight
Take my hand, I'll show you the wild, side
Like it's the last night of our lives
We'll keep dancing till we die
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms,
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
[Beat break]
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Young hunks, taking shots
Stripping down to dirty socks
Music up, gettin' hot
Kiss me, give me all you've got
It's pretty obvious that you've got a crush (you know)
That magic in your pants, it's making me blush (for sure)
Looking for some trouble tonight
Take my hand i'll show you the wild side
Like it's the last night of our lives
We'll keep dancing till we die
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms,
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Waduh make bahasa ane ente hehee
BalasHapusini lagu korea ya ? hemmm, kayake masih belum bisa berpendapat deh kalau masalah koreamania :)
Ini pakenya bahasa Inggris, untuk K-POP aq gak terlalu suka jadi gak ada postingan aku yang berbau Korean Pop dech.
Hapusaku ikut komen juga ya, salam kenal mbak,
BalasHapusbaru belajar ngeblog nih
btw blognya keren banget :)
Salam kenal balik, terimakasih, aku juga lagi belajar kog bikin blog, ini aja baru beberapa minggu punya blog ini, masii blom terhitung bulan, oh yaa sekedar saran kalau mau blognya keren liat aja instruksi2 di google banyak kog disana, ^_^ ^_^
HapusKunjungan sore,
BalasHapussalam kenal, bakalan sering maen ke blog ini deh
Salam kenal balik, salam hangat darii Putri. sering-sering aja kunjungi blog ini N jangan bosen yaach, trus kalau ada kritik atau saran post aja, aku terbuka kog, biar menjadi perbaikan aku kedepannya. ^_^
Hapusbw malem sist
BalasHapuskunjungan balik yah ^^
Malem juga, iyaaa.... N salam kenal yaa.... ^_^
HapusWAH, aq suka sama blog ini, eh sist
BalasHapusyuk belajar berbagai resep, mampir ke blog aq ya
salam kenal
Terimakasii, jangan bosen-bosen yaa kunjungi blog ini, wahhh pas banget nich aku juga lagi kepingin belajar masak, hehe