Sabtu, 14 November 2015


Putri Aris Safitri
Department of English Teaching
Faculty of Letters and Arts Education IKIP PGRI Madiun
The purpose of this study is revealing a dialog in the princess concept between east and west culture in Princess Huan Zhu (east) and Princess Anneliese (west). It is dealing with same issue but different princess performance in east (wild) and west (calm). In order to revealing a dialog between different princess performance, the researcher needs a comparative literature by Claudio Guillen. In this study the researcher only focusses in one taxonomy which is thematology. The aims of the study are; (1) revealing the internationality, (2) revealing thematic diachronic structure, and (3) revealing supranational. This study is descriptive qualitative method. The conclusion shows that the differences princess performance influenced by several aspects, such as historicism, behaviorism, and symbolism.
Keywords: Princess, Thematology, Comparative Literature

I.     Introduction
Comparative study is one of literary studies which compares two or more different literary works between two or more countries, languages, and authors. Guillen, however, states further investigation of comparison to see the supranational to go beyond literary works. Thus, comparing means revealing assemblage of ideology. To do with, the historical aspect is necessary to use (1993: 3). So, comparative literature does not stop having similarities and differences, but it needs a dialog upon literary works. It would be challenging to work with such comparison on literature. On one hand, there will be a single issue. On the other hand, there will be different performance forward the same issue. The researcher assumes that both of similarities and differences are due to time and space. This study is a comparative literature study.
The objects of this study are two popular literatures entitled My Fair Princess Season 1 and Barbie: the Princess and the Pauper. The researcher takes into account of a phenomenon in those story lines. My Fair Princess is one of famous television series in Asia from Taiwan. The reason why researcher chooses My Fair Princess as the object is because it tells about the different princess’ figure from others, she is the wild princess who is not the elegant and talented as the common princess. The second object of this study is a movie entitled Barbie: the Princess and the Pauper. The movie tells about the beauty and elegance of princess and a pauper who has a melodious voice. It is directed by William Lau.
Both of popular literatures tell about a princess in the different cultural background, the eastern (Chinese) and the western (American). In other hand, it is interesting phenomena to compare the existence of a princess.
Princess figures are in many versions. All of those princesses figures make the researcher is interested to compare the figures of princess applies in the movies. In short, the researcher focuses on the same theme, the princess’ concept, to go with the investigation beyond them. The investigation of princess concept is beyond east and west cultural perspective.
It is considered that the suitable theory for this study is comparative literature by Claudio Guillen. It is appropriate to compare the objects which have similarities and differences. Yet, about the matters since it is the curiosity what the next, then about the ideological ends. Here, the researcher wants to seek the ideological ends beyond princess figures from both My Fair Princess and Barbie: the Princess and the Pauper stories. Ideological ends in the Guillen’s theory called as supranational. Thus, as the focus of the study is the princess. The researcher entitled princess concept using thematology on My Fair Princess and Barbie: the Princess and the Pauper, one of Guillen’s taxonomies. In order to reach supranational, it needs dialog among works to construct the diachronic structure of theme which leads to ideological end (as it is called supranational). This is the grand design of the study. It is a way of comparing how and why the princess performs herself. 
The princess is a theme. Theme, as it is suggested by Guillen, can be modified, modulated, and overturned by the author. It is what the author says with My Fair Princess and Barbie: the Princess and the Pauper. In other words, the researcher prefers to use princess as a means of analyzing what the author is willing to share to her readers. It is also a tool to investigate why there is a princess who differs each other from eastern and western cultures. What is the intention of the author and how the princess’s performativity could say something are other problems in this comparative literature study. So, the research’s approach or paradigm is comparative.
II.     Method
This study uses qualitative research as the method. Qualitative research is an act to know the meant by this term, either theoretically or practically, or both (Ritchie & Lewis, 2003: 2). The type of this study is library research because the researcher uses document to collect and analyze the data. The types of document here, such as: autobiographies, diaries, letters, files, reports, memos, documents of popular culture, such as books, films, and videos (Ary et al. 2010: 431). The princess’ object of this study are Princess Huan Zhu (My Fair Princess) and Princess Anneliese (Barbie: the Princess and the Pauper). In analyzing them, the researcher uses theory by Guillen’s comparative study. It is also supported by other references about oriental and western culture.
III.     Internationality
There are two differences princess performance in east and west. Those performance influenced by the historical, cultural, and psychological aspects. Here, the researcher elaborate dialog between princess performance in east and west which is influenced by historical, cultural, and psychological with internationality. Internationality is the first steps of Guillen’s comparative literature. The purpose of internationality is to know the same issue (princess) but in differences performance in east and west cultural.
Princess Huan Zhu’s existence in east exists in the real history of Qing Dynasty in China, which proved by ancient tomb in Beijing China. A Qianlong’s adopted princess from commoners’ tomb in Beijing, China (Indirani, 2008: 2). In west, Princess Anneliese does not exist in the European kingdom. Meanwhile, the historical aspects occurs in the setting of the story. The evidence show between the story and Spain historical record is suffering from crucial condition (Pettegree, 1992: 215). Meanwhile, while Spain has suffering from crucial era, there is one famous dress makers (Isabel de la Cruz), which is same with the story (Madam Carp) (Pettegree, 1992: 220). Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that, between the story and Spain historical record has relations, so the historical aspects here occurs in the setting of the story.
Behaviorism aspects here occurs in environment and parenting treatment aspects of both princesses. Both of them are influencing princess’s characteristics of wild and calm in the palace. In east, the princess is from commoners, and live in the street without her parents. She is wandering around to seek money. It is hard to earn money honestly so, she need to deceive other to get money. It is can be seen that environment, parenting absence, and economics condition affect the formation of one's character. In west, Princess Anneliese was born and grow up in the castle with her mother and live to learn her duty as a princess. Live in castle with her attentive mother, makes her want to be a proper princess for her kingdom. According to John B. Watson (in Shaffer, − : 44) state that, “children turn out depends entirely on their rearing environment and the ways in which their parents and other significant people in their lives threat them”. Based on that explanation above, it can be concluded that, children behave appropriately carried out by the parents and the environment in which he or she grow up. In east, Princess Huan Zhu’s characteristics influenced by her environment of live, economical problem, and the absence of the parents, makes her live without manner. It is opposite with Princess Anneliese, that she spends her live in the castle with her mother. It makes her become a proper princess. The reason is because there is no other choice to be freely in her daily activity.
Symbolism aspects here occurs in Princess’s dress color, which is representing their characteristics of temperament and feminine from its color. Color represents the emotion meaning especially integrates to the past and present (Darrodi, 2012: 66). Symbolism of color between east and west cultural is different, it is influenced by cultural in that region. In east, Princess Huan Zhu like to wear red dresses. Red in Chinese has specific meaning. The meaning of red color in Chinese cultural describes as certain emotion, shame and angry (Qiang, 2011: 100). It is prove that the anger characteristics of Princess Huan Zhu. In west, Princess Anneliese like pink dresses and pink roses as her favorite color. Prink color describe as feminine (Brotoli & Maroto, 2001: 15). Based on the explanation above it is can be proved that Princess Anneliese’s characteristics is a feminine princess in the castle.
IV.     Thematic Diachronic Structure
Princess appearance in east and west affected by historical point of view. Princess Huan Zhu experienced two contrasting sides of live, outside the palace and in the palace. Bad environment effects outside the palace make her become wild princess in the palace.
It is overturn with the Princess appearance in west. Princess Anneliese appearance is influenced by the historical aspect of the equation setting of the story. Setting the story takes place in Spain. The princess experienced one side of live in the castle. The Princess spent her entire live in the palace. In the castle she always learning her duty as royal princess makes her become calm princess.
V.     Supranationality
Princess in east cultural perspective more binding strict in the role and regulation. All of the regulation of woman in China do not exist in Princess Huan Zhu’s personality. Thus, the researcher assume that, ideological ends is about the woman emancipation through against the rule of China government.
Differing views the main character (Princess Huan Zhu) againsts women can only be resigned (fate) with a patriarchal system in China is affected by outside influences Qing dynasty, Southern or Northern Dynasty in China (420-589 AD). This view is influenced by a famous feminine figure in China, Hua Mulan. An ordinary woman who took over from his father by posing as a man to battle for ten years. Mulan described a "heroin" China is breaking norms and patriarchal system in China to fight for their own desires from the fetters of parents, culture and values prevailing at that time (Li, 2014: 188). Princess Huan Zhu is inspired by the legend of Hua Mulan who dared to determine her own wishes even against the patriarchal system in China.
Patriarchal system in China influenced by Confucius moral education for thousand years in China. The moral education teach Chinese native of “man is superior to women” (Tang, 2010: 1). In the era of the Qing Dynasty ruled China for 267 years start to emperor Shunzhi till the emperor Xuantong. Women in the Ming and Qing not free in terms of their marriage, they cannot freely choose their husband. Most of them have to marry the man chosen by their parents and matchmakers. Female task is to assist and take care of their husbands, women's destiny, wishes and happiness is controlled only by the husband and her family (Tang, 2010: 4).
Woman is never dared to show their own feeling, and to gain their own happiness. Chinese culture has strict on the rules of woman, that forbid woman to against their parent’s order for them. For Chinese woman, parent’s happiness is more important than their own willingness and happiness. Yet, that culture above make women have no will to gain freedom to determine their own happiness (Malfroid, 2009: 111). Although, their culture does not support their willingness, but, in deep of woman’s hearth, they want to struggle for their own happiness. It also seems in modern era or in nowadays.
In nowadays China is controlled by the communist party, which prohibits all forms of freedom of speech. Especially the opinion aims to instigate and dissolve the government. According to Emmons (2001: 259) state that, “the government of the PRC (People's Republic of China) continues to infringe upon many basic human rights, such as freedom of speech”. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the freedom of speech in China have been violated by Chinese government. Chinese government forbids all of free speech in public area and in social media. Also, Chinese government conducts strict controls on social media and impose firm sanctions to perpetrators. Based on the explanation above, the researcher assumes that, since women cannot freely express their opinion in terms of gender equality in public, women channel through literature.
Based on the presentation data above, it proves that the ideology behind My Fair Princess is about the emancipation of woman in China. Woman in eastern culture since long time ago shackled and cultural rules that forever bound by man (patriarchal system). Especially woman in China are not free to determine their destiny and happiness. They generally submissive and obedient to man and their parents. It causes of lack of freedom that makes women deliver their opinion through the literature in order not to violate the rules and culture that has long existed.
In addition, the researcher’s assumption is correct because My Fair Princess’s novel author is a women. It causes ideology and influenced are contained in these works are influenced by the thought of a woman. Literary works of women writers will lead the main female character in the literary work into a super power than the male characters. Therefore, the ideology behind My Fair Princess is about emancipation of woman in determining their fate and happiness that does not always be in man's armpit (patriarchal system).
Meanwhile, the existence princess in west is different from princess performance in the east, while in west historical aspect occurs in setting of the story. Both of Spain history and the movie story suffers from crucial condition at Europe reformation era. When the kingdom in the movie suffer from crucial condition, Princess Anneliese accepts her mother’s idea to marry King Dominick. Princess Anneliese is willing to help the people out from crucial condition. Based on the explanation above, the researcher assumed the ideology behind Barbie: the Princess and the Pauper is patriarchy.  
Princess Anneliese accepts to marry with King Dominick just as her duty to help her kingdom out from crucial condition. Queen Genevieve needs to save her kingdom from bankruptcy immediately, so she needs advice from her royal advisor, Preminger. Here, Queen Genevieve dependency and unable to decide anything properly without her royal advisor (Preminger). Hence, Preminger as royal advisor tries to fail the marriage. He tries to marry with Princess Anneliese, but later he changes his decision then marry with Queen Genevieve. It is for his ambition to be a King. In other word, Preminger is a powerful man who fights Queen Genevieve and Princess Anneliese become powerless.
Powerful man describes as subject of patriarchal system. Here, patriarchal system occurs as an ideology. In other word as patriarchal ideology. Patriarchal ideology is an ideology which states that men can dominate women as men inherit a social order in which they dominate the space power and authority against women (Dina; Nuryatin, & Suseno, 2013: 2). In patriarchal system, man is dominant one than woman, in other words, woman always portrayed as lower stereotypes than men.
View as inferior to men referred as negative stereotypes against women. Mass media often represent women based on negative stereotypes attached. Negative stereotypes occurs in patriarchal movies. They happen because of ensured the continuity a story in movie which represents the misery of women (Alnashava, 2012: 102). Therefore, women have been the main character in the movies, because the story of women misery in a system (patriarchal) always become an interesting topic story. The continuity story of a woman related to the movie succeed in the market. In fact, idea of a story about women is marketing strategy (Alnashava, 2012: 104). The negative stereotypes of women eventually amended to be enjoyed by viewers (Alnashava, 2012: 102). It causes commodification against negative stereotypes of women into women who became the main character in the movie. Commodification is a process of renovating audience favorite story into movies (Alnashava, 2012: 103). By looking at target market purposes to girls’ and women’s audience, the story presents in form women who dominates and have numerous good behavior in the movies (Ludirja, 2014: 3). Women describes in two ways in the movie, women who have an attractive physical appearance (beautiful) and can do all things (heroines). Attractive physical appearance and can do everything described as Barbie figure in the movies and Barbie doll (Ludirja, 2014: 10).
Barbie figure is depicted as beautiful woman, sexy, and can do every things (heroine). It indicates description as perfect woman physically. It can influence the audience to be like Barbie physically. So, it makes Barbie as women benchmark to be perfectly in physically and all things (Pedersen & Markee, 1991; Turkel, 1998 in Dittmar; Halliwell & Ive, 2006: 283). In physical or body changes accordance to be like Barbie, women consume commodities from capitalist industry. Thus, it can be concluded that existence of women as main characters in movies is always maintained. Because, it deals with the capitalist culture which emphasizes the advantages of women’s body (women main characters) that can be consumed (Mochtar, 2009: 180).
In the context of consumer culture, women (women body) has an important role. The important role is divided into two kinds. First woman's body to consume commodities of a capitalist industry in order become attractive. Second, women body is a commodity that is traded. Commodities are traded in the sense to attract men (Mochtar, 2009: 180).
Women are viewed just as a tool that is played by the capitalist rulers. The women are games tool played by capitalist rulers. Basically women is a tool used to play the role of capitalism in the movies and used for capitalism purposes. It proves that women are as subordinates of a patriarchal system of capitalism. Eventually, it can be seen how the capitalist system in the mass media hand in hand with reproduction of patriarchal ideology (Alnashava, 2012: 103). So, it causes the main characters in the movies is dominated by the presence of women used for capitalist purposes. In Europe, the models of patriarchal system is influenced by capitalism which shows the white European’s men dominates in economics system (Johnson, − : 31).
Based on the investigation above it proves that the main ideology of Barbie: the Princess and the Pauper is patriarchy. However, the movie which has patriarchy ideology does not make women as auxiliary character in the story. Patriarchy makes women as a major characters (Princess Anneliese) which seen from the point of view in torture object by the patriarchal system (played by Preminger).
In sum, ideological ends between My Fair Princess and Barbie: the Princess and the Pauper have similarities of patriarchal system though women perspective. The ideologycal ends in My Fair Princess is woman emancipation through China government policies. While, Barbie: the Princess and the Pauper is patriarchal ideology with capitalism system purposes through women as a tool.
VI.     Conclusion
Dialogue occurs in internationality affected by historical element, psychology element, and symbolism element. Princess concept is the central theme in east and this theme repeats again in west. The theme of the princess is appeared around the world from east to west. In other words, theme of princess is become universal. Supranational in east is woman emancipation from communism. In west is patriarchal of women inferior through capitalism.
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